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The 20th anniversary of graduation of Class 905 High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University

Release time: 2013-10-26 Author: School Celebration Office Hits:

The 20th anniversary of graduation of Class 905 High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University

On October 26, the 20th anniversary of graduation of Class 905 of Tsinghua High School Affiliated with the theme of "Remembering Youth and being together" was held in the conference room on the first floor of the Training Center of Tsinghua High School Affiliated with the University。A total of more than 40 senior teachers and alumni of Class 905 of Tsinghua High School attended the conference。Alumnus CAI Chunyan presided over the conference。

First of all, the Celebration Office of Tsinghua Affiliated High School played the propaganda video of Tsinghua Affiliated High School for the old teachers and alumni who returned to school, so that alumni could feel the new atmosphere and new changes of the High School and review the situation of the High School。Veteran teachers Han Qingying, Zhang Jinglong, Wu Guanghua, etc. also spoke one by one to express their thanks and wishes for the students' coming。Subsequently, the alumni of Class 905 also introduced themselves one by one. Many of them came back from the United States and Canada specially for this conference, all of them hope to express their gratitude to their Alma mater and teachers and their nostalgia for their classmates through their practical actions。Alumna Hou Yuyan also presented the book "Eternal Qinghua Garden" edited by her to her Alma mater and all the teachers and students, and the atmosphere reached a climax。

All the alumni of Class 905 high school present the following poem to their Alma mater

"Where are you, childlike?Go farther and farther away?

Where are you blabbering?Far apart?

Still using the blue sky and white clouds to express concern and concern?

Do you want to find the hot young heart,

To cast off the strings of this mortal world and the troubles of life?

Let the heart dwell!

Let 905 friendship into a gurgling spring, Haoran into a lake;

Let the legendary story of 905 stand as trees and trees, peaks and mountains;

How about turning fading memories into shared memories?

Remember the purest and most beautiful moments of our lives,

Let the heart fly!

Come, sigh at you whose voice is in the air!

Come on, once cardamom green you!

Come on, you have your work cut out for you!

Come on, you of Alexander!

Come on, you in my upper bunk!

Come on, deskmate!

Come on, come on, let the heart shake!

For tomorrow's emotional communication network,

To pave the way for future intimacy,

A cup of thin wine, taste as much as Qinli drops sweet pure;

Two mouthfuls of plain rice, taste plain and unadorned support each other!

A piece of paper is worth a thousand pieces of gold,

A true heart is hard to find!"

Look at the graduation photo

Teacher Wu Guanghua spoke

时间:2013-10-26 14:42

Source: School Celebration Office

Author: School Celebration Office

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