学习《冰球突破豪华版网页版》 开启新征程——Tsinghua University affiliated high School to the primary school组织党员干部学习《冰球突破豪华版网页版》
11月10日,Tsinghua University affiliated high School to the primary school全体党员及行政干部,在冰球突破豪华版网页版昌平校区悦府小学集中学习了《冰球突破豪华版网页版》。
Professor Zhang Guoyu interprets thirty lectures
At the meeting, Professor Zhang Guoyu of the Party Building Department of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (National Academy of Governance) explained the content framework and great significance of "Thirty Lectures" in a simple way。他从“新方位新思想新飞跃”“新局面新时代新矛盾”“新方略新任务新战略”“新要求新气象新作为”四个方面,阐释了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重大意义、科学体系、丰富内涵、精神实质和实践要求。他指出作为党员干部,需联系工作实际理解观点内涵,学懂、弄通、做实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,真正将“八个明确”“十四个坚持”内化于心、外化于行。
Party members and cadres study intensively
In the afternoon, all party members and cadres drove to Shunyi District Jiaozhuanghu tunnel war site memorial Hall to visit and study。We re-walked the long tunnel, experienced the scene of the tunnel war, felt the wisdom and courage of the Jiaozhuanghu people, and marveled at the great strength and outstanding achievements of the people in the War of Resistance against Japan。
Jiao Zhuanghu tunnel war site memorial Hall
The site of tunnel warfare
Written by: Zhang Ning
Photography is by Chang Shuai
Reviewer: Li Xuezhi
Review: Xiaohong Yang
Edit: Administrative Management Center
Author: Tsinghua High School